Monthly Income:

Monthly Expenses:

Adjusted Daily Budget:

$ ---

\[ B = \frac{I - E}{30} \]

B = Daily Budget
I = Monthly Income
E = Monthly Expenses

This tool provides the user a daily budget, if the user spends more money than the budget, then you are not saving money, if less you are saving. The purpose is to help the user see how thier daily spending habbits effect thier abillity to save money. Users should count only mandatory expenses like rent, utlities, and insurance, and not expenses gas or food.

Principal Debt:

Rate (APY %):

Loan Term (Months):

Monthly Payment:

$ ---

\[ M = P\frac{ \ r (1+r)^n}{(1+r)^n - 1} \]

Principal Investment:

Expected Return Rate (%):

Years Investing:

Future Value of Investment:

$ ---

\[ A = P(1+\frac{r}{n})^{n \cdot t} \]